What’s all the buzz about ‘HIVE’

‘Hive’ by Blerta Basholli won the three main awards at Sundance 2021 and is now the first feature film from Kosovo to be shortlisted for the Oscars.

‘What’s all the buzz about HIVE’ is Cineks’ episode 1 of the series of video essays on Hive.

Video Essay credits:

Directed and Produced by
Lum Çitaku

Written by
Yll Bylykbashi

Narrative Context and Text Supervision
Lum Çitaku, Jack Butcher

English Voice Over
Jack Butcher

Albanian Voice Over
Ermal Sadiku

Albanian Text Editor
Flutura Çitaku

English Text Editor
Jack Butcher

Pëllumb Ballata

Lum Çitaku, Yll Bylykbashi

Special thanks to: Fahrije Hoti, Women of Krusha, Blerta Basholli, Yll Uka, Yll Çitaku, Arian Rexhepi, Samir Karahoda, Enis Saraçi, Liburn Jupolli, Edvin Susuri, Doruntina Basha, Shegë Bahtiri, Lura Limani, Arvan Berisha, Vigan Morina, Toska Salihu, Diar Zasella, Berat Kryeziu, Jetmir Zenelaj , Flamur Hasani.

Cineks.com is an alternative platform home to a new wave of cultural and cinema critique, commenting on Kosovar cinema, and promoting young creative voices.

Cineks.com platform & school is created by Institute Undesignate (Research Model Design Institute based in Prishtina) and supported by Swiss Development Cooperation Agency – SDC.

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